
Inside The Book

This book arranged logically starting with the geographical place in which something happens and exist. Original first man and first home of Adam after the fall and the home of all the older prophets of Quran and bible. The story runs that when the primal pair fell from heavenly paradise, Adam landed on a mountain Sarandip in Ceylon and Eve at Jiddah, they met near Mecca and here Allah constructed for them a tabernacle on the site of the Ka’ba.  Therefore,  Quran mentioned first house of worship. Allah made the Ka’ba, the Sacred House, Mother of Cities, and Ancient House etc.

Son of Adam Seth rebuilt the Ka’ba of Stone and clay. When Seth had ascended the throne of his father he was the greatest of the sons of Adam. Every year he made pilgrimage to the Ka’ba and he ruled the world with equity and everything flourished during his reign.

The Biblical and Qur’anic Stories of Noah speak about the same person who was favored by God. The flood story is found apart from Qur’an and Bible many societies developed with their religious and cultural beliefs. The oldest flood story was Mesopotamian flood story of Epic of Gilgamesh, and the biblical flood story comes after this Mesopotamian flood story. So, there is a possibility that the oldest flood narrative was passed down to the biblical flood story and later on it influenced the Qur’anic one, according to the religious and cultural context in each case.

 (The reputed Tomb of Eve at Jiddah demolished by Saudis) eo.

Sumerian Tablet “MS 3026” Flood Story `

MS in Neo Sumerian on clay, Babylonia, 19th-18th c. BC, 1/4 tablet, 6,4×5,5×2,3 cm, ca. 35 lines in cuneiform script. Context: For 5 of the 6 Sumerian forerunners of the Gilgamesh Epic, see MSS 265 gyyg2/1-2, 2887, 3026, 3027 and 3361.

Tabari described the ark carried them around the entire earth in six months. It did not come to rest anywhere until it came to the Sacred Territory (of Mecca and Medina). However, it did not enter the Sacred Territory but circled around for a week. The House built by Adam was lifted up, so as not to be submerged-”the inhabited House”.

The land of the people of Ad was near Mecca than the valley of Hidjir, is situated at the extremity of the desert on the road to Syria. Hud came to Ad and admonished them reminding them of what God had related in the Qur’an but they persisted in disbelieving him, and challenged him to punish them. When God punished ‘Ad with the wind which castigated them, it tore up huge trees by the roots, and smashed their house down upon them. Whoever was in a house was blown by the wind until it split the mountain with him, and thus all of them were destroyed.

Quran and its interpretation described sign of Ka’ba, Thamud who built fine temple, tomb and building cut of the solid rocky mountain, which enclosed Colosseum (theater). They dwelled between the area of the Hijaz (Western Arabia) and Ash- Sham (Greater Syria). The land of the people of Thamud was nearer Mecca than valley of Hidjir. Prophet Salih came to Thamud and   Allah sent to them a pregnant She-Camel that emerged from solid rock according to their request, so that it would become a proof against them from Allah, the exalted. They were supposed to believe in what was brought to them by prophet Salih . People of Thamud killed She-Camel pierced her leg then severe tremor overtook them except a man Abu Righal was in Sacred Area (Ka’ba) did not touch him.  When went out of the sacred area stone fell from sky and killed him. Appearance of She-Camel Thamudian Mountain, the Siq excavated in Petra with presumably cut off legs of She-Camel petroglyphs discovered on the wall of Siq in Petra.

(Petroglyphs cut off legs of She-Camel in Petra)

Prophet Abraham directed Hagar and Ishmael to go to valley of Paran which is in the Arabia Deserta and settled them down there.  Lot was the nephew of Ibrahim; Lut had believed in Ibrahim and migrated with him to the Sham area. Allah then sent Lut to the people of Sadum (Sodom) and the surrounding villages, to call them to Allah, enjoin righteousness and forbid them from their evil practices, their sin, and wickedness. And then they were overthrown, so that their foundations were towards the sky and their roofs towards the earth. And God rained on them stones heated in the fire of hell; and on each stone was written the name of him whom it was destined to slay. Now there were many natives of these accursed cities in other parts of the land, and where they were, they were sought out by the red-hot stones, and were struck down. But some were within the sacred enclosure of the temple at Mecca, and the stones waited for them in the air; and at the expiration of forty days they came forth, and as they came forth, the stones whistled through the air, and smote them, and they were slain.

Quran described prophet Abraham asked for rituals of hajj, Jibril held Ibrahim’s hand, led him to As-Safa and said, this is among the rituals of Allah.’ He then took him to Al-Marwah and said, ‘And this is among the rituals of Allah.’ He then took him to Mina until when they reached the ‘Aqabah, they found Iblls standing next to a tree. Jibril said, ‘Say Takbir (Allah is the Great) and throw (pebbles) at him.

(Map of Manasik of Prophet Abraham)

“The people of Makkah asked the Prophet (pbuh) to turn As- Safa’ into gold for them, and to remove the mountains (from around Makkah) so that they could cultivate the land. Allah says I will do if they then disbelieve, they will be destroyed.

One day the Messenger of God mounted al-Safa and called out, “Beware this morning!” Quraysh gathered said what is the matter? Then he said I am a Warner to you in the face of a terrible doom.” Then Abu Lahab said, “May you perish! Did you call us together for this?” Then God revealed: “The power of Abu Lahab will perish and he will perish”…

(World Map of Al-Wardi accompanied with a colored picture of Ka’ba)

During conquest of Mecca, the Messenger of God (SAAS) went forward and when he reached the Black Stone he saluted it and circumambulated the ka’ba. Arriving at an idol at the side of the ka’ba to which Quraysh had made worship, the Messenger of God (SAAS) grasped a bow he was carrying by its bent frame and began poking it in the eye, saying ‘The truth has come and error has gone. The truth has come and error is bound to disappear.’ When he had finished his circumambulation, he went out and climbed to the top of the Mount Safa and, looking down at the ka’ba, raised up his hands, gave praise to God and spoke various prayers. It is evident that height of the mount /hillock Safa is more than the Ka’ba itself.

This book comprises World map in a 1481 Turkish manuscript of al-Wardi’s “Enumeration of Wonders” Oriented with the South at the top, it shows the known world as a sphere surrounded by the Encircling Sea, which is enclosed by mountains. Mecca, shown unusually in graphic form, the focal point of all spatial references, is near the center of the Arabian Peninsula, which is embraced by the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea in the shape of a crescent moon to signify the unity of the celestial and terrestrial worlds, a unity of conjoined sacredness.



During life time of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) prescribed Miqats boundaries of the Sacred Mosque area oriented four corners of the Ka’ba giving specific distances measuring in mile or kilometer, such as 1) Dhul-Hulaifa 450 km   2) Al-Juhfa 187 km 3) Qaran –al- Manazil 85 km  and 4) Yalamlam 92 km which are irrevocable except Khaliph Ibn Umar here adds people of Iraq at Dhat ‘Irq as being parallel to Qarn on the straight road between al- Iraq.  A simple scheme of sacred geography in the published text of the Kitab al- Masalik of Ibn Khurradahbih.

Surprisingly during unknown period of Mecca superseded from North of Medina to south “Cat come out from the bag” all the Miqats prescribed by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) shifted without its measuring length from its original places to manipulated places described in the following map: 



(Distance sketch of Meeqats in Saudi Arabian Mecca prepared by Hajj Assistance Committee North America, under Your Personal Guide to Umrah, Hajj, and Ziyarat by Alhaj Mahmud & Zehra Habib page # 16.)